PCoMS & RISME TOMBO Seminar:First-Principles Theory, Computation, and Hands-On 2022

details & application form


This seminar is for anyone, who is interested in the first-principles code, TOMBO. TOMBO uses the all-electron mixed basis approach, in which one-electron orbitals are expressed with both plane waves and atomic orbitals. TOMBO can handle both isolated systems and crystal (or periodic) systems in a unified way. It can perform not only LDA calculations but also GW (+ Bethe-Salpeter equation) calculations. It also handles the TDDFT dynamics simulations in the excited states as well as the usual first-principles molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in the ground state. The hands-on tutorial is about 2 and half hours including (1) GW+Bethe-Salpeter calculation for Li_2, (2) LDA band calculation for Si crystal, (3) first-principles MD simulation for the chemical reaction CO_2 +2H → HCOOH, and (4) GW calculation for Si crystal.

date : 9:30-17:30 on March 23(Wed.), 2022

meeting style: Online virtual meeting  

Main Target: young researchers : DC students, PDs, Assistant professors

but all, who are interested in TOMBO and first-principles theory, are welcome.

Language: English

Registration fee: free 

Capacity: 50 persons

How to register: Plase make the registration on [the application form] by 13:00 on Mar. 22
First-come-first-served basis when the capacity is exceeded.

Note 1: Hands-on training is done on Windows 10 or newer (64 bit OS) PC.
Please go to the following download site and install them in your PC before the TOMBO Seminar:  

(2) VMD


Note 2: *The members of PCoMS IPD program (fellow and general) can earn 1 credit of PCoMS IPD elective course category (A & B), if he or she attends this seminar.
Category A: Wide knowledge of computational materials science
Category B: High-performance computing technologies and techniques

Cohosted by: Professional development Consortium for Computational Materials Scientists(PCoMS)
Research Initiative of Structural Materials for Extreme Environment(RISME)

Cosponsered by: Center for Computational Materials Science (CCMS), Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University

[flyer & program for download (as of 2022/3/7)]

    2022/3/22 updated   
9:30-10:30   Introduction to First-Principles Calculation
   Yoshiyuki Kawazoe (NICHe, Tohoku Univ.)
10:30-11:00   Application to High Entropy Alloys using VASP
   Hiroshi Mizuseki (KIST, Korea)
11:00-11:45   Theory and Application to Excited States
   Kaoru Ohno (Yokohama National Univ.)

11:45-13:00  lunch break

13:00-13:30   Results of Performance Tuning on TOMBO
   Takeshi Nanri (Kyushu Univ.)
     (the schedule of the following session changed)
13:30-14:10   GW, TDDFT, how to use TOMBO
   Ryoji Sahara (NIMS)
14:10-16:30  TOMBO Hands-on Tutorial
16:30-17:10   GWΓ + BSE, user interface for TOMBO
   Riichi Kuwahara (Dassault Systemes)
17:10-17:30  Q&A